Beliefs & Values
At Budmouth Academy we “strive for every student to fulfil their potential” and believe that all children are entitled to an education that will enable them to develop themselves intellectually, socially, creatively and emotionally.
We also believe that children should be able to live and develop as happy and valued human beings.
The Role of Budmouth Academy
Budmouth is required within the OfSTED framework to ensure that the needs of most able children are met, and the Academy is expected to:
- Establish procedures for identifying most able students which are transparent, non-discriminatory, flexible and effective
- Check that particular groups of children are not under-represented in the cohort of most able children
- Ensure its curriculum and other opportunities meet the needs of very able children
- Have a policy on teaching and learning which enables most able children to reach their full potential and which takes account of the different needs of these children
- Monitor the outcomes and track the progress of most able children, paying particular attention to groups of children who may be underachieving, and provide specific academic tutoring in cases where progress is not in line with expectations
- Take appropriate and effective action to promote the interests of these children, including providing training for staff as well as support for children and their parents to plan their learning and develop further their talents and experiences.
Partnership with Parents
At Budmouth Academy we strive for students to fulfill their potential; however this is something that we cannot achieve alone. We understand the need for and value of parents working with us to ensure students have every opportunity to be successful.
Below are key areas that we believe are fundamental to achieving joint success for our students:
- The effective identification and assessment of strengths and needs, especially upon joining Budmouth Academy
- Sharing high but realistic expectations of further success
- Agreeing on the need for a broad and balanced curriculum, which provides challenge in relevant areas and avoiding undue pressure that comes from an expectation of high ability in everything all the time
- Recognising together that “learning to learn” and the enjoyment of learning are as important as passing tests and examinations.
- We share successes and concerns because effective partnership will be based on the development of trust, and on each partner valuing the other.
Budmouth aims to ensure that parents value an establishment where the Principal and teachers are approachable, flexible, and willing to listen and discuss possible courses of action openly. The Academy has a well-developed ethos and process for involving parents in school life. This enables Budmouth to be successful in forming effective partnerships and ensures that parents are aware of the Academy’s policy on most able children, and that they know who to contact to discuss their child’s needs, or their own needs as parents.
Budmouth values parents who are willing to:
- Help and get involved
- See different points of view and understand the ways in which the college operates
- Be open to discuss ways in which they can support their child, within and outside the curriculum.
Budmouth Academy aims for all students to strive in order for them to fulfill their potential; however this will never be achieved without the backing of parents, teachers and students alike. We must ensure that our partnership grows stronger with time as the needs of individual students are recognised and catered for.