Good behaviour at Budmouth Academy is central to a good education and will allow all students to achieve their potential. Good behaviour provides a calm, safe and supportive environment where children want to attend and where they can learn and thrive.
The Budmouth Way
Supporting our ethos and values is the belief that students will be happier and more successful in their studies if they have high standards of behaviour and expectations of themselves and their peers. The Budmouth Way sets out very clearly our expectations of our students. We believe that having high expectations allows our students to thrive.
Please click here to see The Budmouth Way poster: The Budmouth Way
Behaviour for Learning
Our Behaviour for Learning Policy aims to provide a simple framework that students can easily understand and staff can apply simply, enabling learning to progress smoothly for all students. Our policy is built around a framework of rewards for students who consistently meet our expectations to a high standard, and sanctions for students whose behaviour and choices do not meet the expectations of ‘The Budmouth Way’. To view the policy in full please use the following link: BfL Policy
Behaviour at Budmouth Academy is excellent and students can learn and feel safe. However, we continually review our practices to maintain high standards of behaviour. If behaviour is poor, students can suffer from issues as diverse as lost learning time, child-on-child abuse, anxiety, bullying, violence, and distress. It can cause some children to stay away from school, missing vital learning time.
Staff continue to collectively embody the Academy culture, upholding the Academy’s behaviour policy at all times and responding to misbehaviour consistently and fairly.
Positive behaviours are seen as staff proactively support students to behave appropriately. We ask all staff to teach explicitly what good behaviour looks like. Some students will need additional support to reach the expected standard of behaviour. When students do misbehave, staff respond promptly, predictably and with confidence to maintain a calm, safe learning environment, and then consider how such behaviour can be prevented from recurring.
Throughout all our interactions we have high expectations for all students. All staff are responsible for setting the tone and context for positive behaviour throughout the school.
Our staff:
Create and maintain an environment that teaches and expects students to take personal responsibility;
Create and maintain a stimulating environment that encourages students to be engaged with their learning;
Develop a positive relationship with students, which includes:
-Greeting students in the morning/at the start of lessons;
-Establishing clear routines;
-Communicating expectations of behaviour;
-Rewarding and promoting good behaviour;
-Starting the next day afresh.
Behaviour Curriculum
At Budmouth Academy, we have a Behaviour Curriculum which teaches behaviours that we believe will make students successful in school, in the work place and in developing and maintaining positive relationships throughout their lives.
Budmouth Academy’s behaviour curriculum defines the expected behaviours in school, rather than only a list of prohibited behaviours. It is centred on what successful behaviour looks like and defines it clearly for all stakeholders. The behaviour curriculum represents the key habits and routines required in the school.
If a student embraces our behaviour curriculum they will have all the necessary attributes needed to successfully access the wider world, become independent, informed thinkers, and well-rounded citizens.
Positive behaviour reflects the values of Budmouth Academy, readiness to learn and respect for others. It is established through creating an environment where good conduct is more likely and poor conduct less likely. This behaviour will be taught to all students, so that they understand what behaviour is expected and encouraged and what is prohibited. Positive reinforcement will be given when expectations are met, while sanctions will be issued where rules are broken. Positive reinforcement and sanctions are both important and necessary to support the whole-school culture.
Routines will be used to teach and reinforce the behaviours expected of all students. Repeated practices promote the values of the school, positive behavioural norms, and certainty on the consequences of unacceptable behaviour. Any aspect of behaviour expected from students will be made into a commonly understood routine, for example, entering a classroom. All routines will be simple for everyone to understand and follow.
Adjustments will be made to routines for students with additional needs, where appropriate and reasonable, to ensure all students can meet behavioural expectations. These adjustments may be temporary. Adjustments will be made proactively and by design where possible.
All staff implement the Behaviour Policy and systems consistently and equitably, in order to create a predictable environment in which students know what the consequences of their actions will be. If you are unsure or would like to discuss any of the guidance please contact the Vice Principal in charge of behaviour (Mr P Midworth).