Year 5 Open Day and Admissions 2024

How to Apply

Please view the Dorset Council website on starting secondary school.

Year 7 admissions for september 2024 – When to apply

The closing date for applications is 31 October 2023.

County will let you know your outcome:

  • On 1 March 2024 if you applied on time (by 31 October 2023)
  • On 2 April 2024 if you apply late (between 1 November 2023 and 29 February 2024)
  • From June onwards if you apply after 29 February 2024

yr 6 ability test 2024

Please click the link below to apply. Deadline is 30th September 2024.

Ability Tests Application Form

Open Days 2023

Year 5 Open Day and Admissions 2023

Admissions Policy 2024-25

Admissions Policy 2025-26

Admission for children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan

Where Budmouth Academy is named in a child’s Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), the governing body recognises a duty to admit the child to the Academy. The admissions process for children with a Statement or EHCP is administered by the Local Authority.

Years 7-11

Year Group PAN
Year 7 260
Year 8 260
Year 9 260
Year 10 260
Year 11 260

Applications need to be made to the Local Authority via their website:

There is the opportunity to appeal against a decision not to offer a place. Appeals are heard by an independent panel and their decision is binding on the College. Information can be found at:

Appeals are heard by an independent panel set up by the Local Authority.

Sixth Form

Our admissions policy was written in order to be compliant with the current DfE School Admissions Code.
As well as our own Year 11 students (referred to as internals), the school admits students who are studying for GCSEs at other schools (referred to as external applicants). The Published Admissions Number for external applicants is 50. If spaces remain on some courses, this number can be exceeded.
Internal and External students must meet the same academic admissions criteria in order to be admitted to the Sixth Form.

Open Evening Registration Form (Now closed, will reopen November 2024)

Admissions Form (To be uploaded from February 2024)

Confirmation of Results and Acceptance Form (To be uploaded post GCSE results day)

Post 16 Admissions Policy 2024-25

Post 16 Admissions Policy 2025-26

Sixth Form Prospectus 2024-2025

Sixth Form Course Information 2024-2025

For any further information please contact the Director of Sixth Form Mr S Morris

Where next

Careers Hub

The Careers Hub is responsible for Impartial Information, Advice and Guidance (IIAG) across the Academy. We organise work experience, guide students with accurate careers and…

Careers Hub

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